AAA conference and Montreal

On day 4 I presented a paper in a panel on Time with three other grad students from UCL. It was at 8am, so we were expecting that few would show up, but actually on the day there was a rolling audience of about 8-10 people. Thanks go to Helen, my cousin for turning up… Continue reading AAA conference and Montreal

AAA conference day 3

Up early today to see a panel on policy. Very worthwhile. Met some of the panelists last night at a book signing and it was good to hear more of their work. Met up with some folk from UCL afterwards, had a good chat about the sessions, fieldwork and anthropology in general. A conference can… Continue reading AAA conference day 3

AAA Conference Day 2

Woke up very early and went walking along the prominade by the river. Then went for coffee and a muffin, read the paper and listened to the coffee shop (Christmas) music which eventually drove me out. Then I went shopping and got breakfast for tomorrow, drinks and fruit and salads for supper tonight. Got a… Continue reading AAA Conference Day 2

AAA conference day one

Registered first thing; did some chatting; had the necessary and obligatory Tim’s coffee and then went off to my first seminar session which was on sensory marketing. This was excellent. More chatting and a little light lunch followed by chatting to abandoned (left at home) husband. The hotel is a mix of Chinese style and… Continue reading AAA conference day one

Mendeley Research

Just spent an interesting afternoon not marching with fellow students in London (I know – shame on me) but helping Mendeley with their qualitative research. Every now and again, someone catches me in a giving mood and Mendeley did just that. I may have moaned publicly earlier in the year or last year about what… Continue reading Mendeley Research